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Learn more about Human Work: Five Leadership Mindsets for Humanising the Workplace, and other books that we consider excellent perspectives on both organisational development and leadership development for human workplaces.

Human Work

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Melissa Clark-Reynolds

Futurist, strategist and

professional director


Everywhere I look, there are messages about “self-care” and how to recover one’s self in response to work life. I see relationship therapists helping families find work-life balance, and helping people to bring their best selves’ home. What if work fed our spirits, so we bring our best selves home to our loved ones? Where work is fulfilling and uplifting and leaves us full instead of depleted? This book solves that.

Bob chapman

CEO of Barry-Wehmiller and author of Everybody Matters: The Extraordinary Power of Caring for Your People Like Family


Human Work: Five Leadership Mindsets for Humanising Workplaces illustrates the extraordinary possibilities when you create workplaces centered on care, connection and collaboration: your team members and your business thrive! And that ripples out into the communities in which we work and live. Time to get intentional, leaders, about creating organizations where people matter. This quick read will provide ideas and inspiration for your journey!

Graham P. Weihmiller

CEO & Chairman & CEO of BNI


As this book so poignantly showcases through impactful leader stories and valuable strategies, business should be about so much more than the bottom line. Holdsworth and Wong utilize their platform to highlight the importance of creating a more harmonious, fulfilling, and humanized workplace. This book will challenge you, inspire you, and motivate you to take the next steps toward creating a culture ofhuman care and genuine connection at your own office.

Fred Carstens

Former CHRO for various organisations over the years


The workplace today is filled with uncertainties and can place extreme
pressure on leaders. Employees are making themselves heard as they
share their need to be treated as a person and not as a resource. Leaders
that have the intention and insight to change their mindset to make the
workplace relationship more human are better suited to deal with these
pressures. Leanne and Naryan have written a fantastic book that starts

and extends the conversations on how leaders can have a more human-
centric approach to leadership.

Dale Herold

Richard Dent OAM, Emeritus Chair, The Leadership Network


Our ideas and assumptions about “work” have to evolve for the modern world. “Work” needs to be more human: humans are people, not achines and not cogs in a gigantic wheel. This book helps create organisations and workplaces where each individual’s humanity is
recognised, and where each individual can be happy, healthy, more
productive ... and can create a better world, for everyone.

Gijs Dullaert

Non-executive board member, shareholder and investor relations at AIMMS


It seems we’ve forgotten that organizations can be human, workplaces
can be human. Yet its people are humans, its leaders are humans.
With a head and a heart. With families. With thoughts and feelings. If we squeeze out the humanity, the heart, the feelings, we create
organizations and workplaces that are partly amputated from their
humaneness. With consequences for the well-being of its people. With consequences for the effectiveness of people. Leanne and Naryan havewritten a book that will be an inspiration for leaders, and everyone is a leader in this aspect, to bring the whole human aspect back into any organization and any workplace.

Harold Hillman

Author of The Impostor Syndrome and Empathy: The Human Side of Leadership

Human Work is an essential read for anyone who wants to understand
the difference between surviving and thriving at work. The power
of humanity in the workplace reinforces why belonging, esteem and
purpose are so very important.

The body of work

In our research for the book, we mapped various though leaders, organizations, and writing related to human work. Below you'll find an interactive map of some of the interconnected topics that inspired our book. Try clicking on different elements to reveal more detail, or view the map on it's own here.

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